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public NeoJoiner join(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner leftJoin(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner rightJoin(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner innerJoin(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner outerJoin(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner leftJoinExceptInner(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner rightJoinExceptInner(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner outerJoinExceptInner(String leftTableName, String rightTableName){}
public NeoJoiner on(String leftColumnName, String rightColumnName){}
public NeoMap one(Columns columns, NeoMap searchMap){}
public NeoMap one(Columns columns){}
public List<NeoMap> list(Columns columns, NeoMap searchMap){}
public List<NeoMap> list(Columns columns){}
public List<NeoMap> page(Columns columns, NeoMap searchMap, NeoPage neoPage) {}
public List<NeoMap> page(Columns columns, NeoPage page){}
public Integer count(Columns columns, NeoMap searchMap){}
public <T> T value(Class<T> tClass, String tableName, String columnName, NeoMap searchMap){}
public <T> T value(Class<T> tClass, String tableName, String columnName){}
public String value(String tableName, String columnName, NeoMap searchMap){}
public String value(String tableName, String columnName){}
public <T> List<T> values(Class<T> tClass, String tableName, String columnName, NeoMap searchMap){}
public <T> List<T> values(Class<T> tClass, String tableName, String columnName){}
public List<String> values(String tableName, String columnName, NeoMap searchMap){}
public List<String> values(String tableName, String columnName){}
基于以上的函数,我们这里简单列举 下简单的实例
* join 采用的是innerJoin
* select neo_table1.`id` from neo_table1
* inner join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`id`=neo_table2.`n_id`
* order by sort desc limit 1
* join 采用的是innerJoin
* select neo_table1.`id`
* from neo_table1 inner join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`id`=neo_table2.`id` order by `sort` desc limit 1
public void joinOneTest1() {
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
show(neo.join(table1, table2).on("id", "id")
.one(Columns.table(table1).cs("id"), NeoMap.of("order by", "sort desc")));
* join 采用的是innerJoin
* select neo_table1.`group`
* from neo_table1
* inner join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`id`=neo_table2.`n_id`
public void joinListTest1() {
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
// [{group=group1}, {group=group1}, {group=group2}, {group=group3}]
show(neo.join(table1, table2).on("id", "n_id")
.list(Columns.table(table1, "group")));
* 请注意,mysql 不支持 full join
* select neo_table2.`id`, neo_table1.`group` from neo_table2
* outer join neo_table1 on neo_table2.`n_id`=neo_table1.`id`
* order by sort desc
public void outerJoinTest() {
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
// [group3, group1, group2]
show(neo.outerJoin(table1, table2).on("id", "n_id")
.values(table1, "group", NeoMap.of("order by", "sort desc")));
* 测试多条件
* select neo_table1.`group`, neo_table1.`user_name`, neo_table1.`age`, neo_table1.`id`, neo_table1.`name`
* from neo_table1 inner join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`id`=neo_table2.`n_id`
* where neo_table1.`group` = ? and neo_table1.`id` = ? and neo_table2.`group` = ? order by `sort` desc limit 1
public void joinOneTest9() {
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
// {group1=group3, id=13, name=name1, user_name=user_name1}
show(neo.join(table1, table2).on("id", "n_id")
.one(Columns.table(table1, neo).cs("*"), NeoMap.table(table1).cs("group", "group1", "id", 11)
.and(table2).cs("group", "group1").append("order by", "sort desc")));
* join的分页查询
* select neo_table1.`group`, neo_table1.`user_name`, neo_table1.`age`, neo_table1.`id`, neo_table1.`name`
* from neo_table1 inner join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`id`=neo_table2.`id`
* order by neo_table1.`group` desc
* limit 0, 12
public void pageTest(){
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
show(neo.join(table1, table2).on("id", "id")
.page(Columns.table(table1, neo).cs("*"), NeoMap.table(table1).cs("order by", "group desc"),
NeoPage.of(1, 12)));
* 多表join
* select neo_table1.`group`, neo_table1.`id`, neo_table2.`name`
* from neo_table1 right join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`id`=neo_table2.`n_id`
* right join neo_table3 on neo_table2.`name`=neo_table3.`name` limit 1
public void multiJoinTest() {
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
String table3 = "neo_table3";
show(neo.rightJoin(table1, table2).on("id", "n_id")
.rightJoin(table2, table3).on("name", "name")
.one(Columns.table(table1, "id", "group").and(table2, "name")));
join(在这里等价于left join)
left join
right join
inner join
outer join
left join except inner
right join except inner
outer join except inner(mysql 不支持)
* left join except inner
* 该处理的时候会自动增加一个条件,就是设置右表的主键为null,其实就是取的一个左表减去和右表公共的部分
* select neo_table1.`group`, neo_table1.`id`, neo_table2.`group`, neo_table1.`name`, neo_table2.`name`, neo_table2.`id`
* from neo_table1 left join neo_table2 on neo_table1.`name`=neo_table2.`name`
* where (neo_table2.id is null) limit 1
public void leftJoinExceptInnerTest(){
String table1 = "neo_table1";
String table2 = "neo_table2";
show(neo.leftJoinExceptInner(table1, table2).on("name", "name")
.one(Columns.table(table1, "id", "name", "group").and(table2, "id", "name", "group"))
表别名处理 在单表时候查询数据时候还用不到表别名,但是对于多表join的时候,如果里面有表之间相互别名的时候,就需要用到别名了,那么别名怎么使用呢,这里涉及了这样的方式,直接将表名设置成“tablename as t1”,然后将这个直接作为表名进行查询即可。
* 表的别名
* 这里要通过在表的前头直接填写即可
* select t1.`name`, t1.`id`, t1.`user_name`, t1.`group`, t1.`age`
* from neo_table1 as t1 inner join neo_table2 as t2 on t1.`id`=t2.`id`
* order by t2.`id` desc limit 0, 12
public void tableAsTest1(){
String table1 = "neo_table1 as t1";
String table2 = "neo_table2 as t2";
show(neo.join(table1, table2).on("id", "id")
.page(Columns.table(table1, neo).cs("*"), NeoMap.table(table2).cs("order by", "id desc"),
NeoPage.of(1, 12)));
* 自己和自己
* select t2.`n_id`, t2.`age`, t2.`sort`, t2.`user_name`, t2.`name`, t2.`group`, t2.`enum1`, t2.`id`
* from neo_table3 as t1 left join neo_table3 as t2 on t1.`id`=t2.`n_id`
* 需要利用到别名系统才行
public void joinSelfTest1(){
String table1 = "neo_table3 as t1";
String table2 = "neo_table3 as t2";
neo.leftJoin(table1, table2).on("id", "n_id").list(Columns.table(table2, neo).cs("*"));